Friday, December 29, 2006

A Taste of Thailand

I had the privelege of visiting Dayton & Erin, Grace, and Isaiah this Christmas and had a wonderful time! They took me to Chang Rhi, in the northern mountains of Thailand to stay a few days with a missionary couple there. I even rode on an elephant! Grace rode on the elephant too, and wasn't scared a bit! We rode on a river speed boat too! We went up to the 74th floor of Bankok's tallest hotel and that's where I took the pictures of Bankok's buildings and roads. We went to numerous little shops and passed by road-side vendors. Many things were a lot cheaper there--a MacDonald's cheese burger was only about 32 cents! I guess that's why there were a lot of tourists vacationing there--your money goes further over there. We also went to two old palaces where past Kings and Queens had lived. Thailand still has a King, which is unique. I even got some souvenirs.
God kept us safe throughout our travels, and all the praise belongs to Him!
Here's some pictures from our adventures:
Click on "View Slide Show" below:
-" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="l" wmode="transparent" flashvars="cy=un&il=1&channel=360287970191540245&" width="400" height="300" name="flashticker" align="middle">


Anonymous said...

Chuck, those are amazing pictures! Cool slide show feature too. Thanks for sharing these...we can't wait to hear all about your adventures! -Em

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love the slide show! Thanks for sharing the pictures with us! Glad you had a wonderful visit. Beautiful country! I will have to share this with my SIL. They support a little girl that lives in Thailand.


Q: said...

My pleasure!

Anonymous said...

Chuck, so glad you had a good time w/Dayton, Erin, & the kids. Loved looking at all your pics-the monkey one was my favorite.
And you got to ride an elephant-how cool! The country in the north looks beautiful-a far cry from the overpopulated city.